Mundane Monsters - 1 – Ghost (and The Occult - An Art Show)

I was invited by the great Artetak to be a part of one of her ongoing art shows earlier this year, and unfortunately I wasn't able to attend. So when I heard that the next theme would be The Occult, I for sure had to reach out and see if the invitation still was available.

I went through a few different concepts, and wanted to make sure I did my friends who were members of various Occult organizations and trades (and myself being sort-of Occult-adjacent) right. I didn't want to offend by any means. 

I originally wanted to draw some sort of connection between the occult and science (and how the religious right can blur the lines between the two). But after some hard thought on the matter I felt it to be a bit on the nose. 

However during my brainstorming session I got the idea of a ghost doing laundry, which then evolved into the idea of a ghost doing a series of very mundane tasks. Below are some of those images: 

I had a blast shooting this series, and after some further thought on the matter I think I'd like to expand it into an ongoing project involving other sorts of Monsters. Maybe turn the whole collection into a book or something in the future. 

The final images that will be on display at the show will be below. I encourage you to come out and see them in person, as the web versions really don't do this justice. 

8610 Roswell Rd. Suite 140
Sandy Springs 30350

Big thanks to Kate for inviting me to show some work, as well as to the great Roux La La (Designs by Roux) for styling and modeling as the ghost-est with the most-est. 

Candida Valentina - Bump in the Night Goulesque

The FanDom Nerdlesque - 120FPS Video B-Roll Test

This is a bit of a departure from the regular content normally found in my Blog posts. Many who have talked with me about my background know that I started in video before finding my "calling" in photo. 

I just so happened to be at a birthday party for one of my regular clients, and heard that The FanDom was going to be shooting some promo photos and video for their upcoming show. After finding out that my day was open they invited me to come by and hang out for the day. I expected to maybe do some consulting work and a fair bit of networking. Little did I know I would end up running sound, and then in a stroke of genius decided to pull out my camera and record a little super-slow-mo video B-roll for their project.

Its not perfect by any means, but it was a nice little sizzle reel to remind myself that I still know a thing or two about video. 

Tru Facade - 2018.

From her Bio:
Tru Facade is new to the Atlanta burlesque scene and one of the newest members of the CandyBox Revue! Holding a Bachelor’s as a theatre technician, Tru has been working backstage for almost 10 years, helping create the magic of the stage. Finally stepping into the limelight, she’s ready to show off her skills as an entertainer and turn the masses heads. She's a little sweetie with some spice behind her smile, she is Tru Facade.

Tru approached me for a shoot after being recommended by regular clients Désiré and Kali (I found out as well that there is an entire troupe that has also been speaking very highly of me even though I have never worked with them...more on that to come maybe?). Her unique mix of Masculine and Feminine personas are not to be missed. 

For being her first official photographic experience, I was happy to be able to make things easy and comfortable for what will be her first of many shooting experiences.


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