Taylor - 2018.

A few years around this time Taylor showed up to a Halloween party with a face full of makeup that he had been wearing all day (and would continue to wear all through the night) courtesy of his partner Courtney (with whom I have worked with in the past and consider a member of my current and future “team”).

I was impressed then, but was reminded of it this year when it came time to shoot my yearly Halloween series of images.

Courtney worked her magic, and within a few minutes I knew I had something I loved. I’m happy to share with you the results of our evening spent together.

But before we get there, first this. A few months ago Rick Genest AKA “Zombie Boy” tragically died in what is being investigated as a freak accident a few days after his 32nd birthday. While I didn’t know him personally, Rick had a look that few could top. And even if you don’t think you knew of him, there is a good chance that you have seen his photo. I dedicate this year’s series to him and the beautiful legacy he left behind.

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Happy Halloween everyone.

Model: Taylor
Makeup: Courtney Walters Makeup

The Artist's Way - Week 5

Day 28:
Finally getting around to printing some of my Germany photos. I forgot how good it feels to print. I just can’t believe what I’m getting out of these files.

I just want to give them all away as gifts.

Week 5 Goals:

Morning Pages x7
Artist Date x1
Virtue Trap Quiz
Forbidden Joys Exercise
Complete as many additional Exercises as possible.

Day 28 (Continued):
I just finished the readings for this week, and spent some time getting things pre-typed and ready for my answers below. This week is gonna be good…I have a feeling shit is about to get real.

Virtue Trap Quiz:

  1. The biggest lack in my life is romance

  2. The greatest joy in my life is photography

  3. My largest time commitment is working at my day job

  4. As I play more, I work about the same

  5. I feel guilty that I am

  6. I worry that I will never be able to pay back my debts.

  7. If my dreams come true, my family will hopefully support me in my decisions

  8. I sabotage myself so people will find me useful.

  9. If I let myself feel it, I’m angry that I can’t allow myself to just do what I love

  10. One reason I get so sad sometimes is I don’t allow myself to do what I want to do because I am afraid of spending the money on “unimportant” things.

Does your life serve you or only others? Are you self destructive?
— Julia Cameron - The Artist's Way

Forbidden Joys Exercise

List ten things you love and would love to do but are not allowed to do.
— Julia Cameron - The Artist's Way
  1. Travel More

  2. Spend more time with Family without having to drive 4 hours

  3. Drive fast

  4. Spend money without feeling guilty

  5. Buy toys from my childhood

  6. Waste time playing video games

  7. Spend a bunch of money on tacky Halloween things

  8. Go Trick or Treat-ing

  9. Spend a ton of money in a real arcade

  10. Spend more time at Conventions.

Wish list, an Exercise

As quickly as you can finish the following phrases
— Julia Cameron - The Artist's Way
  1. I wish I had access to a studio space

  2. I wish I was out of debt completely

  3. I wish I was working for myself

  4. I wish I could be happy in my own skin

  5. I wish people would take me seriously as an artist

  6. I wish I never sold my Mustang after college

  7. I wish I had a house I could call mine

  8. I wish I didn’t have to worry about money all the time

  9. I wish I wasn’t so jealous of my other artist friends

  10. I wish more people compensated me for my time and efforts

  11. I wish my day job paid me double what I make now

  12. I wish I didn’t have to work so hard all the time

  13. I wish I didn’t spend a lot of my free time alone

  14. I wish I wasn’t tired all the time

  15. I wish I could travel when I want without having to worry about costs

  16. I wish I had partied more in college

  17. I wish I had more close friends

  18. I wish I didn’t have to hear about politics all the damn time

  19. I most especially wish that I could make a good, honest, living with my art.


If I were twenty and had money…

List 5 Adventures:

  1. I would have studied abroad

  2. I would have partied more

  3. I would have bought equipment outside of my skill range and shot the hell out of it.

  4. I wouldn’t have student loans now

  5. I probably would be working for myself right now.

Day 31:
The last few days have been a little down. I mean, Tuesday was pretty cool because when all was said and done I got a new flash and some accessories, but today I’ve just felt off.

The Hurricane must be throwing off the pressure in my head.

And it doesn’t really help much that my exercises that I completed today depress the hell out of me.

I feel like I should be in a different place than I am now. Money seems to come up a lot. To be honest I feel like I have some issues surrounding it. Also I know that next week that topic comes up so lets see what next week brings.

But for now, I have some time.

I just need to keep prepping for this weekend’s shoot. I hope I can channel some of this frustration into good art.

Ten ways I am mean to myself are…

Just as making the positive explicit helps allow it into our lives, making the negative explicit helps us to exorcise it
— Julia Cameron - The Artist's Way
  1. I dwell on past decisions

  2. I let people talk down to me without speaking up for myself

  3. I talk down to myself

  4. I say mean things to myself in the mirror

  5. I push myself too hard when I need to go easy

  6. I eat my feelings

  7. I question many of my life choices

  8. I don’t exercise enough

  9. I don’t let things go if I say or do something stupid

  10. I think I do a lot of stupid things

Ten items I would like to own but don’t are…

  1. An All-Access Creative Live subscription

  2. A studio space

  3. A new laptop

  4. A secondary full frame camera + Lenses

  5. A fully restored classic car

  6. A house/home/living space

  7. More lighting modifiers

  8. A cat…or maybe ALL of the cats

  9. A nice suit that fits me perfectly

  10. An arcade machine

Oh man could I easily list more than just 10…

Oh man could I easily list more than just 10…

And if by random happenstance you want to buy something for me from my Amazon wish list. I won’t stop you. You can access it here: http://a.co/5DxeOT5

Day 32:
Something is happening.

I have an idea. I don’t know if it’s going to work…but I’m going to try it.

I have an idea. I don’t know if it’s going to work…but I’m going to try it.

Protip: The worst someone can say is “No”.

Protip: The worst someone can say is “No”.

Check In

How many days this week did you do your morning pages? Are you starting to like them–At all? How was the experience for you? I completed all of my morning pages this week. So far I’m not having too much trouble completing the pages. I’m still not sure its working the way that it should be, I mean I am getting some insight into some of my issues, but I don’t think it’s going as well as it is “supposed” to be going.

On the plus side I feel like I’m handling stressers better, and for the most part I feel better day to day. So that’s a plus side I guess.

Did you do your artist date this week? Have you had the experience of hearing answers during the leisure time? What did you do for your date? How did it feel? Have you taken an artist date yet that really felt adventurous?
I guess I did my date? I took a trip to Ikea for batteries. I always like walking around Ikea. I find it both inspiring and incredibly frustrating. I want my crazy awesome living room/office/studio apartment. I really don’t need a large living space. A studio is a different story.

I don’t think I am hearing any answers to any of the questions I’m asking. Which makes me wonder if I’m asking the right ones.

I haven’t really done anything “adventurous” yet. I’m not sure what I could do that makes me feel that way. I’m not even sure if I’m taking the right dates. I tend to just keep doing things that allow me to take a break from the day to day and allow my thoughts to keep moving.

Did you experience any synchronicity this week? What was it? Try inaugurating a conversation on synchronicity with your friends. I was browsing Twitter on Friday night and came across a Tweet from the official TAW page that was on the topic of Week 5…AS I’M IN THE MIDDLE OF WEEK 5! That was pretty neat. I’ll share it below:


Were there any other issues this week that you consider significant for your recovery? Describe them. By the end of tomorrow when this goes live I can say…I shot something! Last year I missed my Halloween series, so I made sure that this year something got shot. I’m also in the planning phases for something else that hopefully will be super exciting. This will be the first time I’ve used my camera to take a portrait since before DragonCon. And hopefully I can keep making progress to keep making new work between now and the end of the year.

The Artist's Way - Week 4

Day 22:

I’m pretty jet-lagged, but I don’t feel as bad as I could be. So that’s a blessing I guess. I ended up going into work for a few hours to get some things done. I’m about to start some work on Week 4 (reading, exercises, whatever I can manage to keep myself awake).

I stumbled across a music video that was a really interesting visual piece, it was super high concept and made me both feel like I need to step up my game and quit everything all at the same time.

I stumbled across a music video that was a really interesting visual piece, it was super high concept and made me both feel like I need to step up my game and quit everything all at the same time.

I fell down a bit of a youtube hole and ended up finding this video from the Russian band Little Big. I watched the behind the scenes video first before finding the actual video itself. It’s so simple yet so visually interesting. It made me feel some sort of way.

Please don’t watch this video at work, or around your grandparents. You’ll thank me later.

Week 4 Goals:

Morning Pages x7
Artist Date x1
Buried Dreams Exercise
Reading Deprivation
Complete as many additional Exercises as possible.

Day 22 (Continued):
I think I figured out what I want to do for my Halloween shoot this year. Stay tuned (and stay funded).

Aw shit, I just did the reading for the week and I remembered that week 4 is the one where you are required to give up reading for the week. Since the only thing I’m reading is social media, Photo news blogs and The Artist’s Way (the latter being acceptable as per the text itself) I guess I’m off Facebook for the week.

Probably should give up podcasts too since they are my reading-analog as well. But we’ll see about that.

Buried Dreams: An Exercise

As recovering creatives, we often have to excavate our own pasts for the shards of buried dreams and delights. Do a little digging, please. Be fast and frivolous. This is an exercise in spontaneity, so be sure to write your answers out quickly. Speed kills the Censor.
— Julia Cameron - The Artist's Way

List 5 Hobbies that sound fun:
Brewing beer/Distilling Spirits
Model Building

List 5 Classes that sound fun:
Urban Survival

List 5 things that you would personally never do that sound fun:
Bungee Jumping/Sky diving
Performing Burlesque
Stand Up Comedy

List 5 skills that would be fun to have:
Outdoor Survival
Speaking another language
Lock-Picking (or be better at it I guess)
Identifying edible plants/mushrooms/animals
Playing a musical instrument.

List 5 things you used to enjoy doing:
Cooking for friends
Shopping/Listening to records
Going out to a club and hanging out

List 5 silly things you would like to try once:
Knife Throwing
Fire Eating/Breathing
Sideshow Tricks (Human Blockhead, bed of nails, etc)
Buy something from an Infomercial
Have dinner at Medieval Times

Day 23:
I started my reading/media fast today. Which shouldn’t be too hard. I’m giving up social media and photography blogs, but not podcasts. I probably should, since I found myself having problems giving them up. But I still need something to get through traffic.

Met up with Nikki tonight to catch up since we have missed each other for the last 2 weeks due to schedule conflicts.

I think the hardest part of this week will be seeing notifications build up. That gives me such anxiety.

Its only been a single day and these 4 notifications are already driving me insane.

Its only been a single day and these 4 notifications are already driving me insane.

Day 24:

My Media fast made it all of a day before I caved and looked at Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I’m part ashamed, and another part frustrated. Not because I NEED to look at these things in my life, but because I realize how much downtime I have that used to be filled with just mindlessly scrolling.

I have a great feeling of Boredom right now, boredom I should be turning into creative endeavors. But I still have a few hours before I can do anything outside of sketching up ideas on paper.

Life Pie 2

Some minor changes, but not many. The process takes time.

Some minor changes, but not many. The process takes time.

List ongoing self-nurturing toys you could buy your artist:

  • AD200 Flash Kit (x2)

  • Collapsable Flash Modifiers

  • New Camera Bag/Backpack

Environment: Describe your ideal environment. Town? Country? Swank? Cozy? One paragraph, one image that conveys this.

My ideal environment would have to be some sort of loft in a mid-sized city. No place too large, but not too small either. It would need good parking, with ideally some sort of garage and/or workshop. Or both! Enough room to shoot, and enough room to move around. Maybe about half lit with good natural light. Bonus points if I could live there too. And the most important is it has to be mine. I have to be able to own it, or rent it at an extremely rent controlled situation.

I want this place so badly, except less white.

I want this place so badly, except less white.

Day 26:

I came up with a few different concepts for my annual Halloween Spooky Shoot. Hopefully with the help from my team I’ll be able to make at least one of these come to life.

ALSO I ended up spending a fair chunk of money on new flash equipment and a new bag today. I don’t immediately regret it, but that fear of spending money on things that feel frivolous still does haunt me a little bit.

Check In:

How many days this week did you do your morning pages? How was this experience for you?

6.5. I woke up a little late one day this week and had to do my pages from the office a few hours after waking up. I think that it was better to do it that way than to skip the day. I only ended up writing like a page and a half before I felt like people were watching me. Overall the experience is still good. I don’t think my “radio” is working, and I wonder if I’ll continue after week 12. But so far so good.

Did you go on your artist date this week? What did you do? How did it feel?

I took myself to the Halloween store yesterday. I’ll be working through Halloween proper so once again I’ll be missing out on the fun, but I liked walking through. Their home decor section is really stepping up and has some things that I totally would use to decorate my everyday space.

As sort of a part 2 I ended up visiting with a friend and playing board games late into Sunday morning. While by definition this doesn’t exactly count as a date since I did it with other people, I’m still counting it as it was something that brought me out of my usual day to day schedule.

Did you experience any synchronicity this week? What was it?

Actually yes, I did. So one of my “I want to_______” statements from week 2 (that didn’t really get mentioned in the blog) revolved around the idea of romantic relationships and wanting to move towards having one in my life. Because of the massive delays in my trip home, I was offered a travel voucher that was right at enough for a round trip plane ticket to spend some time with someone that has been in my life since college, and truthfully is the only person with whom I even have any sort of remotely romantic relationship with (or the possibility of such). I’m working out my schedule to go visit this person sometime very soon.

Were there any other issues this week that you consider significant to your recovery? Describe them.

There were a couple of exercises this week that I chose to skip.

The first one asked me to describe myself at 80 and it wanted me to specify what I did in my life between 50-80. I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. I barely know what it’s like to be 30, much less to be 50 or even 80.

The second wanted me to write a letter to my 8 year old self, and to be honest I’m not even sure I have any positive concrete memories of 8. I’ve worked very hard to block out large parts of that time for my own sake.

If you broke your media deprivation write about how you did it. How do you feel about it? Why?

The deprivation lasted about a day. And I’m really not sure how to feel about it. I certainly wanted to make it the whole week. And I’m a little ashamed that I couldn’t make it. But I found that I when I completed all the work for my day job that I quickly became bored and all I wanted to do was read about photography related things and try to learn more. I wanted to stretch my creative wings, even though I was in a place where I couldn’t for several hours in a stretch.

I understand why we were asked to fast, it does really truly show how much time is wasted doing things that don’t really push us forward. But at the same time, reading and learning for me are helpful to keep the gears turning and moving forward. I already have removed one social media account from my phone, and find the others mostly constructive so they can stay. But I do agree that sometimes, time can be better served doing vs reading.

Cologne (Köln) Germany - 2018.

May I be a douche and quote myself?

There are already so many photos of pretty things. So sometimes I like to take photos of ugly things.
— Griffin, Blake (UNEXPhotography). 27 Sep 2018, 17:12 UTC. Tweet

I even did a (mostly) accurate MLA formatting quote job for you there. But in all seriousness, I found myself in Germany for Photokina this year following my trend of documenting European graffiti and street art.

I really only had one day to walk around, so the majority of these were from a single session, however I do feel like I got a couple of winners. I’ll be running some prints of these for myself soon because the web just do not do them justice at all. There are so many great textures that just are missed when not looking at everything full sized.

I hope you enjoy taking a look at these as much as I enjoyed taking them. Until next time Köln, Danke!

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The Artist's Way - Week 3

Day 14:

In a few hours I get on a plane to fly to Germany for a week. I guess that gives me at least 8-18 hours over the next 7 days to work distraction free on the plane. I’ve already printed off the worksheets for this week and will attempt to freehand them into my notebook (and then re-type them here).

Week 3 Goals:

Morning Pages x7
Artist Date x1
Detective Work Exercise
Complete as many additional Exercises as possible.

Day 15:

My German adventure in a nutshell so far: “Just hopped a train in the wrong direction. Maybe I should have learned some German before trying this.”

My German adventure in a nutshell so far: “Just hopped a train in the wrong direction. Maybe I should have learned some German before trying this.”

Also my knowledge of German culture summed up right here: “KMFDM comes on shuffle…RIGHT ON! Rammstein comes on shuffle…Skip immediately.”

Also my knowledge of German culture summed up right here: “KMFDM comes on shuffle…RIGHT ON! Rammstein comes on shuffle…Skip immediately.”

Today is pretty much my only day to be a dirty rotten tourist. I got in after being awake for 20 hours, an 8 hour plane ride, an hour on a train, and a taxi that ate up half of my walking money and really just wanted to sleep. My one hour nap turned into a three hour nap, and after waking up I really didn’t want to do anything at all. But I forced myself out of the hotel and walked around Cologne all evening.

I’m so happy that I did because I added a few new images to my Patent Pending Self-Guided European Graffiti Walking Tour Image Set. Even though it started off literally heading in the wrong direction.

I’ll get an official blog post up once I return, but for now I’ll share this one:

I was drawn to that “That Guy” sticker, so much so I walked back across the street to grab it.

I was drawn to that “That Guy” sticker, so much so I walked back across the street to grab it.

Day 16:

Many blocked people are actually very powerful and creative personalities who have been made to feel guilty about their own strengths and gifts. Without being acknowledged, they are often used as batteries by their friends and family who feel free to both use their creative energies and disparage them.

When these blocked artists strive to break free of their dysfunctional systems, they are often urged to be sensible when such advice is not appropriate for them. Made to feel guilty for their talents, they often hide their own light under a bushel for fear of hurting others. Instead, they hurt themselves [...]

When you complete the following phrases, you may feel strong emotion as you retrieve memories and misplaced fragments of yourself. Allow yourself to free-associate for a sentence or so with each phrase.
— Julia Cameron - The Artist's Way

Detective Work:

  1. My favorite childhood toy was Starscream probably, the transformer. Or maybe Tank Megatron. But if I’m being honest with myself it probably was the stuffed Shamu.

  2. The best movie I saw as a child was Jurassic Park. Full Stop. Dinosaurs Rule.

  3. If it weren’t too late I probably would have partied more in college.

  4. The amount of money I spend on treating myself to entertainment each month is not near as much as I’d like to be spending.

  5. If I weren’t so stingy with my artist I would buy him so many things. Lights, lenses, probably something medium format.

  6. Taking time out for myself is complicated. I put too many people first before me.

  7. I am afraid that if I start dreaming that I will eventually have to wake up.

  8. My parents think artists are a waste of time.

  9. Learning to trust myself is probably easier than I’m making it out to be.

  10. My favorite way to dress is in a nice expensive suit or a nice shirt, but also with a utilikilt somehow.

This was the stuffed Shamu, with her baby. This damn thing didn’t leave my side until I was almost a teenager.

This was the stuffed Shamu, with her baby. This damn thing didn’t leave my side until I was almost a teenager.

Day 18:
Is there an opposite to jet lag? Jet-future maybe? For whatever reason by body decided to wake up at 5am. But it lead to the following thoughts:

I’m not sure how The Dutch do it. They seem to run on a steady stream of coffee that turns into beer. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I’m not sure how The Dutch do it. They seem to run on a steady stream of coffee that turns into beer. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Also I have to state for the record that its kinda a sucky truth that I feel like I have to beg my friends to shoot with me (and at least even in some minor way compensate me for my talents).

Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at 7.15.47 AM.png

I mean like, I’m in a decent place in my life and don’t need any extra funds, but it still feels good when someone doesn’t just take advantage and actively wants to pay you for a service you are providing.

Day 20:
Today was the first day I had to skip morning pages. I forgot that it was Saturday and didn’t set an alarm. Thankfully my body woke me up in time. There was a protest in the city today, and it messed up the trains.

I’m back at the hotel now packing and I hope that I can get everything down small enough to make it back home since I had to bring back some extra equipment. As long as the trains are back to normal tomorrow morning all should be well.

Day 21: 

Flight back home is delayed about 2 hours. Now would be a great time to work on some exercises. I’m a little doped up on anti-nausea medicine, but I may end up doing some. I’ll probably integrate those into the week 3 blog if that’s the case. Unless the plane has a power outlet. 

After the fact note: The flight ended up being delayed a total of 6 hours, and I ended up being awake for 24 straight hours before getting home. This really put a damper on my mood and my pre-work for week 4.

Check In:

  1. How many days did you do your morning pages? If you skipped a day, why did you skip it? 6. One day I woke up extremely late and couldn’t fit it into my schedule.

  2. Did you do your artist date this week? What did you do? How did it feel? Yes. I took a walk through a strange city with my camera and did some shooting of street art, and the remnants of it. I loved it, I always like it when I can walk around and document a new place by myself.

  3. Did you experience any synchronicity this week? What was it? I did actually, but it wasn’t exactly positive. I was so worried about missing my flight back to Atlanta, and it seemed like I was just on the track to do so. But then the flight was massively delayed.

  4. Were there any other issues this week that you consider significant to your recovery? Describe them. I felt that the detective work exercise gave me some insight into my fears as an artist. When I had time to focus on them, it provided some clarity into what may be holding me back.

    I wish I had made more time for some of the other exercises this week. I think there were a few that could have been equally unblocking as the detective work. I did take some time for myself to walk around the photo show. Got to play with some new toys in person that I may end up working into my arsenal.

    It was nice being across from the “Professional’s Stage” at the show, I found myself listening to and watching some interesting talks that could potentially help me grow my skills…even if many of them were in a language that I couldn’t understand.

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