Sun Hat

Ruby Marx - 2020.

Ruby is no stranger to this blog. We have shot together several times now, and even once before the shutdowns started earlier this year. She messaged me about shooting some grad school graduation photos and had a very specific set of ideas in mind (that ended up changing a couple of times, but such is the creative process).

We ended up spending part of an afternoon walking around Atlanta’s Piedmont Park trying to find some interesting backgrounds that didn’t have people enjoying their Labor Day Weekend in them. I think we did pretty well.


On a technical note I’m actually pretty excited about how these photos turned out (and the previous two cat shoots) while using the Capture One Beyond Styles that were released just a short time ago. Out of all of the various film emulations and presets I’ve messed around with, these seem to be both the easiest and for the most part the most true to their representations. I can’t wait to be able to play around with these more in a studio environment.

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